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Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect during a LipoMelt session?

During the treatment, you will be placed lying down on a treatment table. Special pads will be postioned in strategic places on your body as you simply enjoy a relaxing 20 minute session.

How does LipoMelt work?

The unique light emitted from LipoMelt causes the fat cell membranes to temporarily alter the permeability of the cell wall. This brief change allows some of the fat contents to seep out to where it can then be processed by the body. The process also increases collagen and elastin in the skin while creating a slimmer appearance.

What happens to the fat?

After being released, the fat is broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol and enters the blood stream. Once in the blood stream, the fatty acids can be either used as fuel or quickly eliminated by the body.

What happens to the fat cell?

The fat cells shrink to a fraction of their orginal size.

Why do you recommend a Liver Cleanse?

Your liver is the ultimate filter to remove toxins and nutrient byproducts from the body. The fast release of the fat can sometimes overwhelm the liver and for this reason a high quality liver cleanse/support is recommended.

What area of the body can be treated?

The LipoMelt treatment can be effectively used on essentially every part of the body where localized fat deposits exist that are resistant to diet and exercise. This includes the waist, hips, upper legs, thighs and upper arms.

How soon will I see results?

Results are usually seen after just one treatment.

How long lasting are the results?

The results can be very long lasting. However, Lipomelt does not destroy fat cells but releases some of their contents. If your caloric intake is significantly higher than you require, your body will eventually store fat again. For this reason, we recommend a maintenance program of once or twice per month after the desired results are attained.

Do I have to follow a diet?

No changes are required....but you can expect better results if you reduce your caloric intake somewhat and increase your water consumption.

Does LipoMelt help with cellulite and loose skin?

Clients undergoing LipoMelt have noticed an improvement with cellulite as well as skin tone and texture.

Are there any contraindications for it's use?

Although LipoMelt is very safe, there are the usual contraindications which include: Pregnancy, Active Cancer, Pacemaker, HIV/Aids, and Hepatitis C.

What research has been done?

LipoMelt is based on over forty years of research starting with NASA experimentation and culminating with the aesthetic and orthopedic industries today. Following the recent discovery of that 635nm light has an effect on fat cells, this new technology has created an explosion in the body sculpting industry.